
A bit about me.


I'm William Johnson

I’m a Vancouver-based writer and advisor operating at the intersection of tech and media.

In the past, I’ve led communications at a provincial crown agency, started and scaled a niche media property, and had work published in The Globe & Mail, Maclean’s, Billboard, and The Georgia Straight, among other publications.

I was born in Kingston, Jamaica, and then raised in Winchester, Ontario. I studied political science at Carleton University. I moved to Vancouver in the spring of 2015.

More below...

Media Entrepreneur

I founded the Vancouver Tech Journal in 2018. By the time I left in late 2023, it had grown to become the largest tech newsletter and community in Vancouver, B.C.

Non-Fiction Writer & Reporter

For over a decade, I’ve been writing about tech startups, entrepreneurs and digital culture.

Not tech:

Strategic Advisor / Consultant / Educator

With expertise rooted in more than a decade in communications roles of increasing responsibility, I now advise organizations on communications, content and PR strategy. I lead Nevvco Strategies, a strategic communications consultancy, and teach quarterly public relations classes at Jelly Academy.

Host / Moderator / Speaker

I’m frequently called on to MC events and moderate panels on a diverse mix of complex topics.


From time to time, I share my opinions and insights on the local technology industry.

Judge / Critic

  • Since 2021, it’s been a privilege to help adjudicate multiple categories for the annual Webster Awards (hosted by the Jack Webster Foundation), which recognize excellence in journalism in British Columbia.

Other things... that can be followed on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.