1 min read

My 'never regrets' list

Eight things that keep me going.

As I get older and life's demands increase, I've found it essential to maintain a reliable list of activities that make me feel good, relaxed, fulfilled, or just plain happy. I call these my "never regrets" list. What started as seven items recently grew to eight, and I'd like to share them with you.

1. Workouts: For me, this usually means a run. I've never finished one and regretted it – ever.

2. Walks: While you could call this a workout, the purpose is different. Walks are for mental stimulation rather than physical – my time to think and sort out what's on my mind.

3. Writing: It's half of what I do for a living, which still amazes me. I feel incredibly lucky, though I relate to Dorothy Parker's famous quote: "I hate writing, but love having written."

4. Sleep: Is there anything more crucial for a happy, productive day? Or anything more refreshing than a well-timed two-hour nap?

5. Reading: Specifically, reading stories. It's remarkable how we can multiply our life experiences through the written word.

6. Tough conversations: As Tim Ferriss says, "What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do." You might wonder how a heavy conversation helps when you're already stressed. The answer: it doesn't – until it's over.

7. Easy conversations: Simple but powerful: few things beat hanging out with your partner, family members, or friends.

8. TV with intention: While I generally avoid too much television, I recognize the power of multimedia stories to inspire, energize, and make us feel. I maintain a specific list of movies and TV episodes that unfailingly recalibrate my mood and motivate me to action.

The best part about this? It's all virtually free.

What's on your list?